Grape Seed Oil 200 ml
It is ideal for sensitive, oily or combination skin. It is considered non-comedogenic.
Its main asset has the main benefit of protecting the body and preventing aging. It has a high amount of vitamin E, flavanoids and resveratrol, which prevents the action of free radicals for skin care. Another benefit is that it combines fatty acids such as omega 6 and omega 9, which helps the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin, providing regeneration and longevity.
Benefits for the skin:
Fight wrinkles
Promotes hair growth
Moisturizing effect
Prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the body caused by pregnancy or weight loss diets.
Reduces cockroaches from small wounds
Grape Seed Oil 200 ml
It is ideal for sensitive, oily or combination skin. It is considered non-comedogenic.
Its main asset has the main benefit of protecting the body and preventing aging. It has a high amount of vitamin E, flavanoids and resveratrol, which prevents the action of free radicals for skin care. Another benefit is that it combines fatty acids such as omega 6 and omega 9, which helps the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin, providing regeneration and longevity.
Benefits for the skin:
Fight wrinkles
Promotes hair growth
Moisturizing effect
Prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the body caused by pregnancy or weight loss diets.
Reduces cockroaches from small wounds